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Please check the Local TV News Channels for closings or contact MABA directly during very bad weather before planning to come to visit.
The MABA community is happy to be of benefit to any of our sangha members in difficulty, and we are able to help in several ways.
If you are in a food emergency, MABA can provide supplies from MABA’s pantry. If you cannot make it out to the monastery, we can deliver. For longer-term food assistance, we can help you find a local food pantry. Whether spiritual counseling and moral support, professional mental health counseling, end-of-life questions, or legal assistance, we can help you find a provider. If you feel unsafe, let us know.
Please have no fear of reaching out, anyone can fall into difficulty, and there is no shame in a helping hand from a friend. Reach out to MABA with the contact form below if you need assistance.
MABA is open to the public on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays
from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Thank you.
299 Heger Lane, Augusta, Missouri 63332, United States
Phone: (636) 482-4037